I have finally got my makeup stored the way I'd like and I am so happy with it.
The wooden cabinet was actually made by my little sister in her wood technology class and I thought it was perfect for keeping all my makeup together. I hate storing my makeup in a makeup bag because it just gets dirty and forgotten about.
On top of the my cabinet is my lipstick storage. I got this wee lipstick holder from eBay for under £3, so I bought two... For future lipstick purchases. I might do a little lipstick collection post soon?
In front of that is my miniature perfume samples which I have collected over the years. Beside that is a massive bottle of contact lense solution. I swear I have to buy a new bottle every time I stay away somewhere.
Then I have this wee tub that came from an IKEA storage container set. This holds my eyeliners, mascaras, crayon eye shadows, concealers and eyebrow pencils.
I have 3 body lotions which I am currently using, The Palmers Cocoa Firming Butter, Soap and Glory Smoothie Star, and the St Tropez Gradual Tanner. I also keep my full sized Soap and Glory Hand Food up there because as you know, I have dry hands.
Beside that is my Claire's Accessories makeup/jewellery holder. On the top shelf I like to keep my more luxurious and expensive nail polishes, like Chanel, Lancôme and Ciate. On the bottom shelf is ALL my blushers. This is more of a makeup storage post than a makeup collection post but stay tuned for that.
My first compartment holds my bases. foundations, BB creams, tinted moisturisers and powders.
The right hand side compartment holds all my eyeshadows, including, the Maybelline colour tattoos and palettes from Clinque, Sleek, Avon, Claire's, MUA and Chanel.
The bottom left section holds all my skincare, including, masks, cleansers, moisturisers and serums. I also keep a wee container that holds all the samples I've received which I have yet to try.
The final compartment is where I keep all my sprays like deodorant and body sprays, and all my hair products, dry shampoos, mouses, hair sprays and salt sprays.
I keep my makeup brushes which are mostly Real Techniques brushes in a plant holder from IKEA and I keep all my cotton balls in a mason jar from Tesco.
And that is my makeup storage. I am going to be living in and out of a hotel for the next 3 weeks so I am wanting to do a post on my what skincare and makeup I will be taking on my travels.