Tuesday, 7 January 2014

My New Years Resolutions

I am one for always making New Years resolutions but never sticking to them. However, I have come up with a 5 achievable challenges for 2014.

1. Always take my makeup off at night. I am guilty of sometimes forgetting/being too lazy to remove my makeup at night and this has to stop. My skin has broken out and is really getting me down so I am making a vow to myself to go to bed with a fresh face. I read a post on Caroline Hirons blog about taking your makeup off as soon as you are home, why sit for the next 5 hours with makeup clogging up your pores, when you could be letting your skin breath. I love this advice and i can't believe it never crossed my mind sooner.

2. I promise to try and wash my makeup brushes at least once a week. I believe this is the other reason my skin is becoming spotty. I actually enjoy washing my brushes, it is quite therapeutic and I always feel a moment of joy looking at my clean makeup brushes all lined up. Perfection. 

3. 2014 is the year I am going to learn to apply eyeliner. I always get a friend to apply the fine black line across my lids and this year I am going to perfect this skill. I picked up the Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Liner after a friends reccomendation and can't wait to spend hours in front of the mirror making mistakes. 

4. I love this blog but felt that by the end of 2013 life had gotten in the way and has prevented me blogging as often as I would have liked. This year I plan to blog more often because it is something I enjoy doing for myself.

5. I simply want to be happy in 2014. Last year was a roller coaster of emotions and an overall stinker of a year. I am determined to make this year one of my best. I am doing the 100 Happy Days Challenge on my Instagram where you post a photo everyday of something that makes you happy. At the end of the challenge, if you complete the 100 days they send you a book of your 100 happy day memories. Follow me on. Instagram to check out what makes me happy @gbenzo 

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