Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The Christmas Tag / #Blogmas2014

For my first official Blogmas post, I thought The Christmas Tag would be the best introduction to how much I love this time of year. Every family I'm sure, has their own wonderful Christmas traditions and I can't wait to share a few of mine with you. 

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie/s?
I actually love all Christmas movies regardless of how terrible or cheesy they are and I have been watching them since August. My two favourite Christmas movies of all time however, are The Muppets Christmas Carol and White Christmas. I have been watching the Muppets Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve for as long as I remember, and I love the muppets version of this classic Christmas story. White Christmas is a movie I discovered a couple of years ago when I was watching Christmas movies with my granny and it is such a beautiful movie. It was made in 1954 and stars Bing Crosby and Vera-Ellen as performers working at a hotel after the war. They sing one of my favourite Christmas songs, 'White Christmas' and preform amazing ballroom dances 

2. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
In my family, we always open Christmas presents on Christmas Day, opening stockings and Santa presents first thing in the morning and then opening presents from family and friends from under the tree, after our Christmas dinner. This year is going to be a little different as my mum and sister are working Christmas Day and my brother is away for Christmas. This year we will be celebrating Christmas Day on Boxing Day instead. 

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I remember when I was younger, on Christmas Eve, after being asleep for a few hours, I woke up to some banging from down the stairs. I thought it was Santa. So I went to investigate but it was just my dad cooking the turkey. I will always believe in Santa Clause! 

4. Favourite Christmas Gift?
I know this is soppy and sentimental but having everyone home for Christmas and being able to spend time with all my family is a very special gift that some people can't have and I do have a wonderful family. 

5. Favourite festive food?
I love Christmas dinner so much and my dad makes the best Christmas dinner ever. I am sure many of your mums and dad will also hold this claim also but I get so excited for Christmas Day because of his amazing stuffing and roast potatoes. I also love mince pies and pavlova and all sweet Christmas puddings. 

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
All the smells at Christmas are pretty amazing! Working at Lush, you get to smell so many Christmas scents in a daily basis and my favourite is the spicy, warming smells, like the Cinders Bath Bomb and the Melting Snowman Bath melt. Another scent that I love at Christmas time is gingerbread. I have the Gingerbread Yankee Candle and it smells exactly like Christmas should smell.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
When I was younger, we spent Christmas Eve at church at the christingle service, where I remember getting an orange with a candle on the top and four jelly babies. But as I got older, I went to the pub with my friends for a few drinks and a pub meal and swapped presents. 

8. What tops your tree?
This year, I have moved away from the family home so I will be on the hunt for the perfect tree topper, I love an angel on top of the tree though as it is a wee family tradition!

9. As a kid, what was the one crazy/wild/extravagant gift you always asked for but never received?
I actually don't think I asked for anything too crazy when I was younger, maybe a puppy? 

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
As I said earlier, being home and having the whole family round for dinner. Snow at Christmas is another one of those magical things that I wish for every year. The countdown to Christmas is also amazing, everyone is so excited and spreading Christmas spirit.

I tag anyone who wants to take part in this tag! Let me know what you love about Christmas! 

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